Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Time flies

When I started mobile blogging I wanted to make an entry every day,
but that has failed. I guess that is what repentance is for.

Scott (Elder James) called from the airport in Georgia. It was fun for
everyone to get to say hello to him.

Well I did not finish this entry yesterday. So I will continue with
today. This morning I went out to look at our plants and trees and at
the bottom of the cherry tree lay a coiled sleeping rattlesnake.
Because it was so close to the house I decided it needed to be
disposed of. After I got a shovel I could not bring myself to get
close enough to kill it. So we called Walker over to kill the snake.
Which it did with no quams about it.

After the snake incident Lynn went out to check on the tomatos and
they grew two to three inches. Then Laura and Daniel sat and counted
the "baby" tomatos.

Sent from my iPod
Jim Applegate

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Swinging in the hammock

Daniel and I are out swinging in the hammocks. We have had such a
cold winter that we have spent more time indoors than out. Usually by
mid May we have been wearing shorts for weeks and spend more time
outdoors. We are just now getting into spending time outside. We just
set up our hammocks and everyone is thinking about setting up the
swimming pool

In seminary we finished Isaiah. Today we started Jerimiah. Every time
I would give a reference someone would break out in "Jerimiah was a

Business has slowed down this week which is rough. I would like to
find a way to help stimulate orders but that would take me from the
office and everyone that could take my place has just left. So I feel
alone in running the office I have lots of help just I need to be
there and can't walk away.

Sent from my iPod
Jim Applegate

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Mobile Blogging

I am trying to send out a blog from my iPod via e-mail.

Today I started out the day by teaching seminary for Jessica. We
studied Isaiah 36 to 47. Those chapters talk about idol worship and
showed how idol worship will get you nowhere.

When I got home from seminary Lynn said that her dad was ready to buy
sod for their courtyard. So we went into Home Depot and bought 4
palates of sod. Now the James' have a very nice place. Now if only the
wind will stop (it has been blowing upto 70 mph).

Sent from my iPod
Jim Applegate